To remove all non-printable characters from your string i.e all ASCII's below 32 and above 126, you can do by providing "KW" (keep writable) as THIRD argument to compress function.
data eject_a_page;
name = "Vikas" || '12'x || " Gaddu";
newname = compress(name,,"kw");
Hi Vikas
ReplyDeleteThis is Aditya, pursuing MBA and interested to write SAS Base certification in next 10 days or so. I have seen many blog and found your blog extremely helpful for my preparation. I have small query that question in exam are still coming on these lines or they have changes kind of questions. If so, can you please share what kind of question those people are asking now days. I hope you will help me because I can't risk $ 180
....without actual question preparation as it is a huge amount for students here in India.